A E-Commerce called WaysBeans which provides products in the form of quality coffee powder.
This project demonstrates in full how to create a fullstack E-Commerce using React and Bootstrap for the frontend, GO programming language with the Echo framework for the backend, the GORM ORM library to handle database query, PostgreSQL as the database, and Cloudinary as as the file storage.
Available features
- Login and register forms that function properly.
- Filter login as customer or admin.
- Well-functioning logout button.
- Shopping basket for customers.
- Home page that displays products for sale if logged in as a customer and will display a transaction trail if logged in as an admin.
- Product detail page that displays product details and also a button to add the product to the customer's shopping cart.
- Customer profile page that displays customer identity and customer transaction history.
- Well functioning Add Product page for admin to add product.
- Product list page that displays a list of products and delete and update buttons that can be used by admins to delete and update products.
- API Endpoint to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on User data.
- API Endpoint to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on Product data.
- API Endpoint to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on each User's Cart data.
- API Endpoint to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on each User's Transaction data.
- API Endpoint for Login and Register.
- Password Hashing Middleware for each User using Bcrypt.
- Middleware Upload File to upload files from user input files.
- Middleware to authenticate by creating a Token from JWT.
- Payment Gateways using Midtrans.