Hi, I'm Fauzan, A Geophysical Engineer turned Fullstack Developer. I am an expert in Fullstack Development. I use Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Daisy UI and SASS as frameworks for interface styling. JQuery, React and Next.JS as frameworks for the frontend. Go, Echo and Fiber as framework for backend. Postgresql as database.

I am a person who has a good intelligence in terms of numerical and visual, fast in learning, good at analyzing problems, can manage time well and can contribute to the team optimally.

Curious why I switched from Geophysical Engineer to Fullstack Developer? Here's the short story.

Geophysics is a science used in the field of natural resources, especially in the search for natural resources. Meanwhile, in Indonesia itself, currently, most of natural resource companies are not in the search stage, but are in the stage of taking and developing the natural resource fields that have been found. This makes it difficult for me to pursue a career in Geophysics.

Then I did a research, is there any other field that I like more than Geophysical Engineering? I tried Graphic Design, Data Science and Fullstack Development. And the result is that I feel a greater sense of love in Fullstack Development. Do you like playing games? I find this feeling like when playing games, you know, it's like don't care about time, don't care about sleeping, don't care about eating, even when our wives indulge in teasing us next to us wearing sexy clothes, we can easily ignore it, Lol 😆. I got that feeling in Fullstack Development.

Apart from Fullstack Development, I am also proficient in Graphic Design, Seismic Interpretation and Spatial Analysis.
Years Of Experiences
Projects Involved
Web Applications Created